Google earth flight simulator controls for mac
Google earth flight simulator controls for mac

  1. #Google earth flight simulator controls for mac install#
  2. #Google earth flight simulator controls for mac update#
  3. #Google earth flight simulator controls for mac full#
  4. #Google earth flight simulator controls for mac simulator#

#Google earth flight simulator controls for mac install#

Remember what I said above - it's a hidden feature!įirst of all you'll have to install the latest version of GE. Sounds awesome, doesn't it? If the thought amazes you as much as it did me, then might have run off and tried it for yourself.

#Google earth flight simulator controls for mac simulator#

What I'm talking about is a flight simulator embedded within GE. Seems Google have done one of their unpublicised updates they're becoming well-known for. It's not in the release notes and a search on Google produces no results.

#Google earth flight simulator controls for mac update#

Along with the latest update comes a hidden feature of which I cannot seem to find any other information about. As fascinating as Google Sky is, that's not the focus of this post. Some time last week, Google expanded Google Earth with Google Sky. Frank left in 2009 to circumnavigate the earth by sailboat as part of the Tahina – have you tried setting to English US keyboard in Control Panel? French keyboard = AZERTY so you may need to press the key below your A key, which is where A is on an English keyboard (first left, middle row).Related article: Traffic analysis of this post He worked in 3D graphics for many years and was very impressed with this exciting product. The skies are always clear in Google Earth – have fun!įrank Taylor started the Google Earth Blog in July, 2005 shortly after Google Earth was released. Don’t forget you can also buy a SpaceNavigator 3D mouse for even better viewing control in Google Earth. All of these areas have high resolution terrain available in Google Earth. I recommend you try areas like the Swiss Alps, the Rocky Mountains of the US, or the New Zealand mountains for some really nice terrain. Get out there and try flying around! You’ll be amazed to find out how smooth Google Earth can be for exploring the world. But, I’ll leave that for advanced tutorials.

google earth flight simulator controls for mac google earth flight simulator controls for mac

Landing – it is possible to land the plane. To control your direction on the ground, use the comma and period keys on your keyboard to apply left and right brakes.

#Google earth flight simulator controls for mac full#

The throttle indicator is on the lower left (triangle should be at the top for full throttle). To get started, hold down the Page Up key briefly (this will add power to your plane). Make your window dimension roughly square (otherwise you may not see all of the HUD display elements). You will see the HUD (Head Up Display) in green (click here for a guide to the HUD indicators). If you don’t have a joystick, you can’t select one. Choose any airport, or just the default “Katmandu”. I recommend you choose the SR-22 plane to start (it is a much slower plane than the F-16, and will help you learn the controls). Start up the flight simulator as described above. It’s another easter egg to activate the flight simulator mode the first time. Type in “Lilienthal” in the “Fly To” box. There’s another way to activate it that always works.

google earth flight simulator controls for mac

Hit the Exit Flight Simuator button, or the ESC key on the keyboard, to leave the simulator mode. Once you have started the flight simulator mode, you will permanently have a menu choice under the Tools menu called Enter Flight Simulator…. If you are in the UK, or you are just impatient and immediately want to jump into the jet, then simply hit CTRL-A (there appears to be a bug if you have language setting set to “English (UK)”). On the Mac, the sequence is Command+Option+A. If you are on Windows (and not from the UK), just hit CTRL-ALT-A and you should get the window giving you a choice of either an F-16 or a Cirrus SR-22 aircraft. First click in the main 3D window of GE to activate it. Getting started – If you haven’t tried the hidden flight simulator mode, you need to hit one of several key sequences. Here are a few flight simulator tips to make your flying better: The big news over the weekend was the easter egg Google planted in the Google Earth 4.2 beta: a flight simulator mode (more details here).

Google earth flight simulator controls for mac